Interior design has evolved into such an important part of home decor that it has become one of the highest paying jobs around. Interior designers are hired for their skills to add a unique and recognizable look to new homes which will stand out in the crowd. Interior designers can completely change the look and feel of old houses with their touch, making an unbelievable transformation, which will transform it into something no less than a new house. The blend of colours, the usage of materials and the simple sense of what to place where, in the room is a talent that pays for itself and thus, it is no wonder that interior designers are highly sought after and widely respected.
Interior design, as cool as it sounds, comes at a cost. This cost is not always built into the budget for making a new house, or even renovating an old one. However, that does not mean that low budget project will not get any interior decoration love. As it stands, the overall idea of interior design is just plain and simple, a good sense of design. Although developing a good sense of the same required practice, hard work and experience, a few tips and some nudges in the right direction would give rise to a result that may not be professional but will be a brilliant one nonetheless.
Doing It Yourself:
Saving cost, yet adding more depth and meaning, is what is brought to the table by doing it yourself. DIY projects involve dedication and attachment to the creation of a wonderful something. The best way to go about it is to get the basics right and jump right into it.
Playing With Colours:
Colours form the basis of interior design. After all, colours are what makes or breaks the entire presentation. Do not try to get into a complex situation by employing too many colours in the mix. At the same time, staying simple means missing the point and ending up with a design that fails to attract enough attention and stand out. Try to find the middle ground with three colours, each complementing the other. Browse colour palettes and figure out what combinations go best with your wall’s paint. Colours can be a mood enhancer. Put that to your advantage and transform your work.
Adding Shapes and Forms:
The next step after colours is adding shapes and forms, which form the texture and depth to design. Texture can be on the wall or in the form of furniture. Designs on the wall can be done with various methods. Wallpaper cutouts, 3D shapes and decorative items are pocket-friendly elements that have the ability to transform the look of the interior with minimal fuss. Furniture in matching or complementary colours is a great way to enhance the appeal. Patterns are a handy tool that creates a distraction from the monotony of the design. Curtains, cushions, drapes - these are also an invaluable addition to the textures and are easy to work with.
Keeping it Neat And Tidy:
Too much cluttering is bound to be a big let down in the look of the interior design. The key to avoiding such a situation is to think wisely. Do not put all the furniture you have in one room. Keep one big furniture, and then add smaller ones to complement it. While it is very difficult to have two large furniture in one room, it is not so when it comes to smaller ones. Take special care so as to not end up with too many small furniture in the same room.
Making Use of Home Decor Elements:
Small elements like towels, bowls, decorative stones, baskets, pots, etc. may not seem much but can add even more glamour to even a complete interior design. Place these items strategically. Use aromas like salts and oils. Using potpourri not only adds the natural aroma but also brings out the organic feel inside the home.
Final Thoughts:
Interior designing is not that difficult when you stick to the basics. If you want to take it a notch above, then go for the top interior designers in Kolkata to handle the job for you. You can check them out at Orkos Appointment by searching for the best interior designers and decorators near me.